Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Election

Since the last Presidential election I have heard several different takes on the outcome. One author,, although not agreeing with all of President elect Obama's views, thinks that he is an inspirational leader. Another, John Michael Talbot, thinks that the outcome would help the racial healing of our country and the worlds view of the US. But, he goes on to express concern about Obama's willingness to continue the murder of unborn and just born children. Another view that was expressed, by Dutch Sheets was that the outcome was not God's will. It is easy to see the first views, and agree in principle with many of them. However, it is most difficult to agree with Doctor Sheets view that the election was not God's will.
It is sometimes difficult to understand and know God's will. But we do have the Bible to go to in times of uncertainty. In this case Romans 13:1-5 says: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God." Dutch Sheets said that the outcome was not God's will because the president elect favors abortion of unborn children.   But, the verse in Romans was written to the Romans who had policy that was just as grievous. They would take a newborn to the Grand father or the father who would make a decision to kept the baby or not. history tells us that if the baby was unwanted it was taken to the country and abandoned. If someone wanted the baby, they may take it and keep it as their own. Archeology would indicate the many healthy babies actually ended in the trash heap of the dump.
Does this mean that God is not concerned about the fate of babies, both born and unborn. I think not. He is most concerned! What then does this apparent conflict mean? The Kingdom of God is within.  It is peace within oneself, not peace by the force of law. God's Kingdom reigns in the hearts of men and women in almost every country of the world.  
We are to pray for the leaders of our country. After watching an interview where the president elect was asked when a baby gained its human rights, he answered that it was above his pay grade. I think that a little more prayer will reveal to his heart that answer. I know that it took years before it became clearer to me. 

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