Saturday, April 4, 2009

retired or not retired

Last fall I was in Spokane at a Healing Rooms Conference. After morning prayer, I was sitting in the presence of the Lord, and realized that my confession, when I introduced myself, was incorrect when I said that I am retired. So I told the Lord that I would change my confession to, "I am a full time servant of the Lord." He said what will you do? I said, "What ever You put in front of me." Then I wandered out to the foyer and asked a young man who was working on the equipment that live steamed the event on the internet, "How much bandwidth does it take to stream this event?" He said, "I don't know. But, we do need someone to run a camera." I then was given camera three to operate on stage right. Since then, I am always busy with pressing things that need to be done.

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